

Alex is based in Windsor but enjoys traveling to meet his clients on location whenever possible. He paints form a large studio, normally has about 10 commissions on the go and always enjoys visitors. Alex has a relaxed and informal approach and is very comfortable in any environment and prides himself on making genuine connections with all his sitters.

instagram @chamberilnalex


phone 07881816667


Informal meeting / Phone contact

I need to discuss what type of image a client might like, where it would hang, who it's of and what it's for. This helps me get an idea of the tone of the picture.

Other questions might be: What size? How important is the background?

How formal/informal should it be?

Meeting the sitter at this stage is of course essential so I can get to know them a bit and start to get an idea of how I might go about creating an appropriate image and what their expectations are.


Having got to know the sitter, and what they want from the picture, I will have an idea of what I am looking for.

I am very experienced with sitters who for whatever reason are unable to sit for long, and if this is the case it’s useful to know in advance and I will make arrangements for a stand in whilst I sort out the lighting and composition.  I’m pretty quick with the camera, and I try to make it as painless as possible.  I make sure I have nothing else planned on a photo day, so for me, there is never a time pressure (other than perhaps the light)

Sitting time:1 hour 

Reviewing the photos from the fsitting

I shoot a number of compositions and then we look at the photos and decide what is working / which direct we want to take the picture in etc. We then agree on the one I will base the painting on and I’m happy to keep going until it is exactly right

Second Sitting

This is very rare - I include this possibility in case we want to try something completely different. I would rather come back and do it again than start work on something unsatisfactory.

Sitting time:1 hour 


I will have chosen the photo and have consulted with the client on this choice. This is probably the most important part of the commission! 

Treatment of paint: Some sitters are better painted with bold textural marks , others may suit a totally different approach.I explore these options as I paint to see what works best and feels right for the individual sitter.

Viewing the painting

Is the client happy with the picture?

Are any amendments needed?

Sign off


If I have availability and space in my diary, and the commission process is agreed in writing I am generally free to start anytime to meet the sitter and take the photos.

Although I may have a final photo taken I would not often be free to start actually painting the picture until I finish what I would currently be working on or have booked in. Timings would all be discussed and agreed in advance.

Depending on the size and due to drying times, the painting may take up to 3 months to paint, although if I clear the diary and work all hours it has been known for it to be done in a month.

Framing :

Is not included but I'm happy to offer advice on this.  


My prices range from £10000 - £150,000 depending on size/ content, timeframe and complexity